
Welkom op mijn blog. Hier laat ik wat van de dingen zien die ik maak en verzamel voor mijn poppenhuizen en winkeltjes. Veel plezier bij het bezoek en ik vind het leuk om uw commentaren te lezen. De foto waarmee ik mijn blog open is van mijn poppenhuisquilttentoonstelling, de meeste quiltjes heb ik zelf gemaakt net als de gebreide truitjes. Sommige quiltjes zijn gemaakt door mijn moeder.
Welcome to my blog. Here I show some of the things I make and collect for my dollshouse world. Enjoy your visit and I like to read your comments. The photo that opens this blog is my dolls house quilt exhibition. Most of the quilts are made by me, but my mother made several as well. The knitware is by me.

I love your comments but hope to keep the blog award free.

zondag 27 februari 2011

Another workshop


Yesterday I followed a workshop from Gabriëlle, wicker a basket. It was lovely! I really enjoyed it and am afraid that I will make more baskets in the future....
I had hardly finished or one of the dolls decided to take the basket for some shopping. As far as I can see, she is quite enjoying it.

vrijdag 25 februari 2011

Some hair

Finally one of my dolls has hair, she has been waiting for a long time te get some hair. Therefor she didn't want to be included in a photograph. Now she doesn't mind if I take a picture, maybe she doesn't even notice since she is so busy with her lace making.
Her husband and a friend are enjoying a game of chess.

Welcome new followers

Welcome new followers, Maria Narbon, Lluna45, C.M., Ingrid, Tink and Beatrice. Please enjoy a dutch party snack, a piece of herring.

donderdag 24 februari 2011

details of the quilt exposition

Like in a real quiltexhibition you will find a stand with fabric and books for the enthousiast. Will she buy a ready to quilt panel?
This lady might go for one of the books on patchwork and quilting. There is enough choice, 3 boxes full of books....

Eventhough there are signs (in dutch) not to touch the quilts there are always some people who can't resist the urge....

zondag 20 februari 2011

Having builders in....

Having builders in, not in my real house but in my miniature world... actually the only builder in, is me in my old cloths.
original shop

shop with the new terras and opening for the french doors
Last year I bought a second hand shop in a sale. I thought it perfect for a country style shop. At home I started to put in all the little things I had collected over time... and soon discovered that I had a lot of outdoor items.... and the shop was not exactly large. So I hesitated a long time but now finally I decided it was time to build a terras along the shop for all the outdoor stuff. After removing one of the large windows I opened the wall for the french doors.
On the terras area there is space for all the outdoor items

Inside is more room for all the small items I have collected over time and for items I will make
Once I have finished rebuilding, I can hang all the shelves and start filling the shop
Now with the new space I have more room to display all the items I already collected over time. So just to see how it might look like, I displayed some of it and made some photographs, sorry for the poor quality of those.

For the coming time I will have to eat loads off eggs since the bricks to cover the outside of the shop are made from eggboxes.....

More followers

Welcome Karin, Lara, Jody and Marivigano, it is nice to find new names in the followers list. Welcome to my blog and hope you enjoy the pictures and stories.

dinsdag 15 februari 2011

Workshop van Josje

This beautiful chair I've made last year in a workshop by Josje. It took several days to finish so I camped in the orchard behind Josjes house. The result was well worth it, besides the lovely chair I've learned new skills and improved on rusty ones. I've placed the chair in my first house, since the room is not finished you only see part of it. Beneath the chair you see an embroided rug.

Welcome followers

Welcome Ascención, Heleni and Marie,

Hope you will enjoy my blog.
Since I know Heleni loves quilts, I've included this picture.

Valentine's day

For Valentines day some people are lucky and get breakfast in bed....
Who made this breakfast?

What will she write in her diary about the breakfast? Or is she reading what she wrote last year on Valentine's day?

Nel's house

A few years ago I received a dollshouse. It is an old house, over 80 years, unfortunately it was damaged in some parts by woodworm, so some renovation had to take place. After the repair of the damaged areas, I had to wallpaper again, so I could make the interior more the way I like it. With the house came some furniture and accessoires and most of them I kept with the house, sometimes painted the furniture so that it fitted better to the new style.
The house was built by the father of the lady who gave the house to me. After renovation she has seen the house and liked what I did.

The front of the house

The back of the house
The house is not very big, just four rooms and opens at the back. I've included a sitting room, a kitchen, a master bedroom and a children's room.
The sitting room

The kitchen with the chicken theme

The dishes and other kitchenware are decorated with a chicken rooster decoration which is popular here in country style kitchens

The lady of the house is still in bed
The bedroom of little Nellie

The wallpaper and curtains have a Beatrix Potter theme

Cheap furniture can easily be painted to fit the room

donderdag 10 februari 2011

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to the first followers of my blog. Welcome Maria, Lisette and Nancy.

zondag 6 februari 2011

Mobile again

Even in the miniture world modern inventions are added. In a workshop from Bert Aarts in het Netherlands I have made this

Now the elderly doll is mobile again. He really enjoys going around again and visiting shops and meeting friends.


After making a quiltexhibition I decided I needed a shop for supplies. So I started to build a shop with knitting wool and fabric for miniature quilts. Very quickly the room was to small so I enlarged the space, but it is still hardly big enough.
The shop front. It is called "steekje los"

Inside the shop you find the wool and cotton for knitting, and accessoires for embroidery.

Behind the counter it is quit messy.

In the window you can see some of the item sold inside.

Quilt exposition in miniature

Since I love making miniature quilts and couldn't put more in my houses, I decided to make a quilt exhibition a few years ago. Now I can change or add new quilts.